COVID-19 Vaccine Information
This page provides important information about getting a COVID-19 vaccine for the patients of Medical Outreach Ministries. Scroll down to read a letter from MOM’s medical providers about the vaccine, for answers to your questions about the vaccine, and for information on how to make an appointment.
We can help you schedule a vaccine appointment. Please call the clinic at 334-281-8008, press 1 at the first menu, and a volunteer or staff member will return your call.
Baptist Health Community Vaccination Clinics - Walk-ins accepted for First Doses at these dates, times, and locations.
Thursday, May 20 - Montgomery (3989 Eastern Blvd), 9am-6pm
Thursday, May 20 - Prattville (635 McQueen Smith Road, Suite D), 9am-3pm
Friday, May 21 - Montgomery (3989 Eastern Blvd), 9am-2pm
Beginning Monday, May 24, Baptist Health will offer Second Doses at the vaccination clinics.
A Letter from MOM’s Medical Providers:
Answers to Your Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine
How was the vaccine made so quickly? Does that mean it has not been tested enough?
COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus, which is a type of virus. There are other types of coronaviruses, and people were already working on vaccines for other coronaviruses, which gave them a head start.
With millions of lives at stake, companies, governments, and universities from every country worked together and used the most advanced technology to quickly develop a vaccine.
Tens of thousands of people volunteered for clinical trials to find out whether the vaccines are safe and effective at protecting people from COVID-19. These trials included racially and ethnically diverse people.
Will there be any side effects from the vaccine?
None of the current vaccines have any live virus in them. It will not give you COVID-19.
The most common side effect is soreness where the shot was given, which goes away quickly on its own.
Other mild side effects are muscle pain, fever, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. Minor side effects are a sign that your body is starting to build immunity (protection) against a disease. Severe side effects are rare.
Mild fever is a common side effect of many vaccinations, like the flu vaccine. It does not mean you will have COVID-19. A mild fever can be part of your body’s training to fight off COVID-19.
If you have ever had an allergic reaction to another kind of vaccine, you should tell the person giving you the vaccine, so they can watch for an allergic reaction.
Will the COVID-19 vaccine change my DNA?
No. But you may hear that two of the vaccines, one by Pfizer/BioNTech and the other by Moderna, use messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is a small piece of the virus that will not make you sick but helps protect people from getting COVID-19. It does not change your DNA.
What is the cost of the vaccine?
It is completely FREE to every person in the United States. It does not matter where you go to get it. You will not be charged a fee.
Should I get the vaccine if I have diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, or some other condition
Absolutely! In fact, it is even more important for you to be vaccinated if you have an existing condition. Those conditions mean that you are more likely to get severely ill if you get COVID-19, so please protect yourself by getting vaccinated.
There is no evidence that the vaccine will make any existing condition worse.
Will the vaccine interact with the other medications that I take?
There is no evidence that a COVID-19 vaccine will interfere with any medications that you take.
If you are concerned about a particular medication, please call the clinic to speak with a nurse or your provider.
Vaccine Availability
Visit to schedule an appointment through the Alabama Department of Public Health.
Visit to find other local sources for vaccines.
Need a ride to get your vaccine?
Call 2-1-1 to schedule a free ride!