No-Show Policy 

November 30, 2020

Medical Outreach Ministries’ volunteer physicians and medical providers make the work of the clinic possible. They selflessly give their time and expertise in service to MOM’s patients. MOM works hard to ensure that each available appointment is managed efficiently to best serve our patients and to use our volunteers’ time wisely. To assist us in this effort, all MOM patients must adhere to the following No-Show Policy. The policy applies to all in-person and telehealth appointments.

  • A No-Show appointment is any appointment where a patient either does not show up (or login/answer for a telehealth appointment) or cancels on the day of the appointment.

  • Patients are responsible for being on time for their appointments.

  • The No-Show policy applies to all types of appointments in the clinic: medical, counseling, diabetes education, physical therapy, case management, etc.

  • After 3 No-Show appointments at the clinic, a patient will receive a warning letter.

  • After a 4th No-Show appointment at the clinic, a patient will receive a termination letter.

  • After 1 No-Show appointment at an outside specialist referral, a patient will receive a termination letter.

  • If a patient cancels an elective surgical procedure with less than 48 hours notice for an outpatient procedure or less than 72 hours for a total joint procedure, the patient will receive a termination letter.

  • Any patient who receives a termination letter will be dismissed from the clinic for one year.

Communication is key! If you are having issues with transportation to the clinic or specialty appointments or any other issue that may cause you to miss your appointment time, please contact the clinic for assistance or rescheduling. We want to help you successfully manage your health.